31 March 2009
30 March 2009
In English there is no one-to-one correspondence between spelling and sound. In English, the written form cat represents the spoken form of this word, viz the k-sound, illustrating this point from English, a letter of the alphabet may stand for different sounds or combinations of sounds, in different words, and conversely, a given sound may be represented by different letters, or combinations o letters, in different words.
Because of mismatch between spelling and sound, a learner of a language like English cannot be sure how to pronounce a word that he encounters for the first time in the written form. To overcome the problem International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is devised, claimed to have symbols to represent all the sounds.
For the production of speech sounds, as indeed for the production of any sounds, there must be some disturbance in the air. Such disturbance, in the case of speech sounds, is provided by the movement of certain organs of the body such as the muscles of the chest, the vocal cords, the tongue, the lips and so on. This disturbance, in the form of sound waves, travels to the ear of the listener, who interprets the waves as sounds.
The organs of speech, and their speech functions, can best be described under three systems: the respiratory system, the phonatory system, and the articulatory system.
The Respiratory System
The respiratory system comprises the lungs, the muscles of the chest, and the windpipe (also called trachea).
The Phonatory System
The airstream released by the lungs undergoes several modifications before it goes out into the atmosphere through the vocal cords and larynx. The first such modification is effected in the trachea.
The Articulatory System
After passing through the larynx, the airstream is further modified by the various shapes assumed by the organs of speech lying above the larynx, before it passes out into the atmosphere; and every such modification affects the quality of the sound produced. The organs constituting the articulatory system are : The Pharynx, The Lips, The Teeth, The Teeth Ridge, The Hard Palate, The Soft Palate, The Uvula, The Togue
17 March 2009
The environment in many fields has a constant change to face: larger markets, more efficiency and tougher competition. In this competition all functions and human competencies are subject to internationalization: from marketing and procurement to research and development, production, logistics, human resources development and financial management. At the heart of this competence lies the ability to communicate and empathize between different cultures.
Language and communication skills are a bridge of understanding between cultures and individuals. Sometimes the bridge may just barely support one’s weight, as when you manage to get your shopping through by mimics and gestics in a foreign culture. Sometimes the bridge will carry, and simply let the strangers through with the correct fare for tolls, but wondering what the tolls were all about and why. Optimally the bridge will carry everything required and be recognized for how well it serves the clients and fits perfectly in its natural environment.
To understand the sufficiency of communication skills in foreign languages, one has to know about their strengths and weaknesses in foreign languages and they have to learn the language instructions as they have received in education.
The term language alone would lead us to thinking of work communication in the traditional way: as the particles system of linguistics. The word “communication” alone again may lead the reader to think of messages sent and received or media or theories of the sign, visual meaning or social semiotics. People with a technical orientation may even link it with the field of technical communications. Communication covers a wide ground. It includes communication theory, use of technology, selecting communication channels, examining impact of communication, intercultural issues/understanding of diversity, oral communication, listening skills, group interaction, report writing, investigating information sources, research documentation, presenting graphical information, writing proposals, business correspondence, employment, to mention the major content areas.